Note 8

I have realized that human babies really are an extension of our own selves burrowing onward through this world. I've been stricken by how together we all really are; the very idea of separateness now seems like an alien concept to me.

Of course there's difficulty explaining fleeting thought impulses which define the understanding of how and why humanity interrelates with this universe, but I'll try: humankind fits rather like metacarpals connecting a body together.

This is why there appears to be no such thing as separateness. Unless one wishes to consider the idea of separateness as a real thing, then it would be called an illusion or a fancy. Of course power lies within the imagination. Anything that may be conceived in the mind could possibly be put to fruition here in the real world. 

Perhaps our destiny lies in creating separateness for this universe.  If we bother to try and perceive what's going on around us, appearances dictate that doing an efficient job at inventing new methods of alienating ourselves from every thing and every one around us could be our specialty.   

That may not be the original intention. It's a peculiar condition, that of existence. As far as can be known, humankind are unique to this solar system. Perhaps every star system of this galaxy has an opportunity to spawn its own specific life forms. 

If so, the question becomes whether or not the various life forms which may arise on separate solar systems should be considered as being one and the same entity emerging from several nodes throughout the universe, or whether indeed they ought to be considered as being entirely separate from one another.   

Use of: 


our  3
it   6
in   3
we   4
I    3
is   4
are  4
me   2
us   2
they 1
you  0

with 1


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