Note 5
The purpose of numbers is to divide the whole.
Never forget that there is only one number.
The ancient Greeks once believed our universe
originated from a silver egg. The primeval god Phanes ("First-born")
whose father was Aion, (also known as Chronos, "Time") was considered
to be the hermaphroditic divinity of procreation. Phanes was known as The
Revealer—having first entered our creation as light itself. He shone forth as
the First-Born radiating all with love. He was described as a hidden, brilliant
scion with a whirring motion, who flapped his wings to scatter the darkness
away, thus manifesting pure light. He was depicted as being entwined with a
serpent, and as having wings. He may be the father of dragons. He was once
married to Nyx ("Night")—together they presided over day and night—establishing
a unity of opposites. The Greek philosopher Aristophanes named him Eros, and
there is a suggestion that Nyx was also his mother, and that she along with
Erebus ("Darkness") were borne of Chaos—the primeval void—the first
thing which existed before light. Eventually Phanes became known as Dionysus,
representing wine, madness, and fertility. Much of this ancient information has
been blurred gradually over human generations. We may dimly perceive that
"Father Time" and his consort "Destiny" were both
serpentine in form. This accounts for the Orphic Egg being entwined with a
serpent. In conclusion, the one detail whose nature has been forgotten over the
tides of time, is the telling description of the egg as being made of
"silver." It remains the solitary clue winking at us from the buried
darkness of history. In my view, it hints at the future itself as being the
stage upon which our progenitors (reflected in a mirror darkly) most likely
will have established the paradoxical interactions which have resulted in the
ineffable harmony of a permanently established eternity now literally set in
stone. The silver may be a hint that the elder primeval gods'
progeny—ourselves—may end up having to accept the divine scepter passed on down
through the generations in order to ensure the Orphic Egg is maintained from
our technology. The essential difference between techno- and mythology amounts
to the difference between weaving and speaking. Thus ends my woven tale in
silence before your eyes in the form of language. Our ancient myths were
stories our ancestors came up with to explain the mystery of their existence.
Today our technology itself should pave the road with precious metals which
will lead us on toward reestablishing the original egg or even the chaotic void
itself—in either case resulting in the continued establishment of this mystical
silver egg from which everything continues to hatch into corporeality.
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